Lens-Artists Challenge #145 – Getting To Know You

[Categories: Photography, Photography 101 Forever]

Per Scilla “My invitation to you is to present a “Getting To Know You” post showing your relationship with a subject you’ve photographed. The subject could be a Person, a Place, a Culture, an Object…anything that has captured your attention, won your affection and taught you a thing or two.”

Hmm. So many choices, so little time. Of course, the very first candidate would be SheWhoShallNotBeNamed, but in the interest of privacy and modesty, she shall remain sequestered in an undisclosed location as far as these pages are concerned.

Somewhere in late 2011, early 2012, a friend introduced me to the historical journal Lapham’s Quarterly. I haven’t looked back since. I’ve collected, read, and reviewed/summarized all 52 issues since its inception with Winter 2008.

Following are a few PHOTOS I took to accompany my writing, hopefully to spare the reader-at-large from being totally bored to tears with my ramblings. It’s a labor of love, so rambling is allowed.

Taken on my patio table, with fair weather flowers behind:

A favorite photo spot is with my desk lamp and small world globe:

My dinner placemat is another favorite backdrop:

In terms of ‘won my affection’, there is always room for an old girlfriend, gone but not forgotten:

The porch deck of a former mountain condo is the scene for the very first Lapham’s issue, one of my favorites (the issue and the scene).

The MOVA globe is a curiosity. It sits on a plastic tripod and, powered only by light, spins. The earth globe sits inside a clear, plastic sphere just slightly larger, with a thin layer of fluid in between, and somehow does its thing.

Lest we forget our other loves, skiing can be hazardous. The plate and screws remain in place, yet to be discovered by airport security:

A list of my Lapham’s posts can be found HERE or HERE.

LaphamsQuarterly.org has a generous sampling of each issue posted online. They also have podcasts and a newsletter containing additional historical insights.

Stay safe, be well, be kind to one another.

28 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #145 – Getting To Know You

    1. Thank you kindly Anne. As I often say, we must keep our sense of humor as it’s often the only thing we have left. Yes, we humans are ‘terribly’ good at repeating history.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. John, I can think of nothing better for you to have featured this week than Lapham’s. Ive seen many of your thorough, well-written, sometimes humorous reviews which always teach me something new. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of the Lens-Artists!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What an awesome post! Definitely unique, fascinating, and something that you’ve clearly studied and appreciated. Also, thanks for explaining how the MOVA globe works…I saw a display recently in a shop on the boardwalk, but it had no accompanying information. I like how you used a unifying theme in your photos and also threw in a few extra bits of information with the x-ray and the furry friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I subscribe to the Smithsonian. Great magazine. Lapham’s is longer. 225 pages in a 9×7 format. 75+ extracts, 3-5 full essays, tons of extras. I always find myself on tangents to Wikipedia seeking even more info. Definitely a quarterly’s worth of reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Quite an extraordinary interpretation of “Getting to know You ” concept. I find it intriguing though, as I am totally clueless about the contents of these books. But then thank you for the inspiration. Made me think that I still have a lot of books to read, yes you are right indeed, so very little time, but I am not giving up on this lame excuse.


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