Reading John Grisham

Cover of "The Confession: A Novel"
Cover of The Confession: A Novel

The Confession: A Novel that is.  I just started it and I suspect this will read much faster than Ann Coulter’s Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America.  Sorry Ann, but not many can jump right into a cliffhanger like Grisham.  Suspense from the beginning.  Numerous story lines.  Where will they coincide, where will they collide?

It’s a fiction work about a man on death row.  Similar to his 2006 chilling NON-fiction The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town which I read a few years ago?  We shall see.

This will be a pleasant test of whether I can read 2-3 hours a day or more, as I’ve said I should, unpleasantly aided by the fact that I’m currently laid up with a broken ankle.  I can do it!

What are YOU reading?

3 thoughts on “Reading John Grisham

  1. I enjoy reading John Grisham’s novels. Who knew “A Time to Kill” was rejected 30 times? It turned out to be a thought provoking book and movie.


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